life in singapore has been passing in a sort of boring manner, but there have been a few exciting events here & there, so let's begin!
friday & saturday, 25 & 26 september
first, last weekend (was it really only last weekend?) i went to the formula 1 singapore grand prix. pretty much, it was a big night car race that lasted three days & had tons of music, overly expensive food stands, ridiculous traffic, and lots of loud, roaring cars. i personally, know nothing about cars, but my ticket (priced at 190$) was free so i figured, why not?
the race was held at marina bay (home of the esplanade, the singapore flyer, and the merlion) so we got to see a lot of pretty tourist attractions at night!
the esplanade (affectionately named by the locals as the durian)
friday 2 october
on friday, we went to eat the famous chili crab at east coast park! the meal (though cheap by american standards) was rather pricey... for 7 people it cost us $210, but the food was so tasty! we had drunken prawn, seafood mee goreng (fried noodles), bee hoon with sauce, and chili crab to wrap things up.
chilli crab ($40/kg) --- it was pretty giant
the nice thing about the restaurant is that they divide up the food for you ... but the portions all seem mysteriously small... hmm.
saturday 3 october
happy mid-autumn festival! aka, chusok!
no rice cakes for me, but i was invited to a singaporean girl's house for a night of culture exchange! (i didn't think to take my camera though...oops.) for dinner, us americans showed the singaporeans how to make a taco salad. they were amazed and thought it was the tastiest thing ever.
in return we were given chinese tea and a variety of mooncakes to eat! pandan mooncake, lotus mooncake with yolk, lotus mooncake without yolk, strawberry snowsheet mooncake... one of the guys even made us an amazing green tea cake! yum!
once it got dark out and it stopped raining, we went outside equipped with lanterns (somehow, sticking candles inside of paper lanterns didn't seem too safe to me...) as we walked to the park. unfortunately... we didn't see the moon. at all. it was supposed to be the best moon of the century, but apparently it missed singapore. but it was still fun!
everyone had their own lantern and we set off 200 sparklers and made jewelry out of glowsticks! they told me that this activity was really for 8 year olds, so they were just as excited as us exchange students were to be setting off fireworks and playing with candle-lit lanterns, haha. overall, a good chinese mid-autumn festival experience.
i stole this picture from facebook! i blend in with the singaporeans, yah lah?
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