Sunday, January 24, 2010

home for the holidays

wow --- so this post has been delayed since well, before this sem started, oops. but here it is now! i don't remember so much anymore, so the pictures will have to do most of the talking.
so once again, this post is rather delayed. i meant to be good about this sort of thing, but i've been backed up quite a bit with all my random little projects (aka, the scrapbook i have been working on for years and have not quite finished...)

so, winter break! classes ended in singapore on nov 13 or so, two exams on dec 2 and BAM! winter break. i was greeted by snow & frigid weather, but it was nice i think aside from that minor cold the freezing temperatures gave me.

i meant to cook & bake much more this winter break, but that didn't really happen. my one baking project however, did go splendidly well!

mini pecan pumpkin pies! mmm, delicious!

sometime in mid-december, nova got a huge snowstorm. this is one of my fav pics from it:

christmas and such passed, and then one of my friends that i made in singapore, lehyla, came to visit. we went gallivanting around d.c. in the cold and the weather was for the most part, wonderful! here is a picture of the capitol building set against the pretty blue winter sky.

towards the end of break, i got to visit earlysville, va to visit with liz and katie. in true friend fashion, we mostly just ate.

here is a picture of liz and katie baking delicious chocolate chip cookies!

before break ended, i got to hang out with sana and angela in georgetown. once again, an obligatory stop at georgetown cupcakes. mmmmm!

sadly, i waited so long to put up this post that i can't quite remember all the other exciting details. look out for more posts to keep you updated about college life!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

lots of catching up to do...

so, my mother insisted i continue my blog & i suppose there is a rather large gap between my last post and now...

i'll try to keep this entry short & with lots of pictures! let's start back in singapore...

sometime back in november as classes were winding down and everyone was in a frenzy getting holidays ready (& studying of course...), i finally got to go to the singapore flyer. in hindsight, i'm glad the thing was only S$10 with student id, because i feel sorry for the tourists that actually pay the full S$30 to go on that thing. not to say that the view wasn't pretty, but you can only enjoy a ferris wheel for so long...

this is what i thought the coolest view from the flyer was:

sometime before exams, my friends from borneo & i got together for a meal and by my prodding, ended up in a giant candy store. they had your usual assortment of australian & british brand chocolates & candies, and of course, starbursts as well!

this was the creepiest thing ever. apparently though, its quite a normal sight in the once british colonies. odd.

anyhow, in the last week of nov/first week of dec, my aunt came to visit and we went on a self-created 3-city tour of southeast asia. singapore, kuala lumpur, and jakarta. not the most exciting cities in the world, but i'll leave you with some highlights!

singapore: we spent time around city hall/raffles while we visited smu, the esplanade, the merlion, lau pa sat, chjimes,& the good shepherd. arab street, little india, chili crab at clarkes quay. some time around ion and orchard central.

the sultan mosque at arab street

clarkes quay
kuala lumpur, malaysia: independence (merdeka) square, the national mosque, the petronas twin towers, a day trip to melaka, dinner at the seri melayu, and a stop at chinatown before heading off to jakarta.

the twin towers
in melaka
jakarta: monumen nasional, taman indonesia indah, toko batik, a national museum, some sketch part of town to a gem market, and lots of jurassic park watching.

monumen nasional
streets of jakarta
taman indonesia indah
city center
like i said, not exactly the most exciting places in the world, but nonetheless, i feel well-traveled! i was imagining i would show some pictures from break in this entry too, but i think those will have to wait til later.

only one more week til i go back to the semi-real world that is university.