Sunday, January 24, 2010

home for the holidays

wow --- so this post has been delayed since well, before this sem started, oops. but here it is now! i don't remember so much anymore, so the pictures will have to do most of the talking.
so once again, this post is rather delayed. i meant to be good about this sort of thing, but i've been backed up quite a bit with all my random little projects (aka, the scrapbook i have been working on for years and have not quite finished...)

so, winter break! classes ended in singapore on nov 13 or so, two exams on dec 2 and BAM! winter break. i was greeted by snow & frigid weather, but it was nice i think aside from that minor cold the freezing temperatures gave me.

i meant to cook & bake much more this winter break, but that didn't really happen. my one baking project however, did go splendidly well!

mini pecan pumpkin pies! mmm, delicious!

sometime in mid-december, nova got a huge snowstorm. this is one of my fav pics from it:

christmas and such passed, and then one of my friends that i made in singapore, lehyla, came to visit. we went gallivanting around d.c. in the cold and the weather was for the most part, wonderful! here is a picture of the capitol building set against the pretty blue winter sky.

towards the end of break, i got to visit earlysville, va to visit with liz and katie. in true friend fashion, we mostly just ate.

here is a picture of liz and katie baking delicious chocolate chip cookies!

before break ended, i got to hang out with sana and angela in georgetown. once again, an obligatory stop at georgetown cupcakes. mmmmm!

sadly, i waited so long to put up this post that i can't quite remember all the other exciting details. look out for more posts to keep you updated about college life!

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