Some grand changes are that I'm all moved in to my (almost) fully furnished apartment. I've had a few fights with a leaky bathroom, a can of Raid, and a hypersensitive thermostat, but so far so good.
I've gone to the Mariner's Museum to hang out while the LLC builds a boat, went on a pilgrimage to Quebec, visited the Herndon Festival, discovered Berry Body, joined a gym, went to a fancy dinner at Fossett's, attended a wedding in Charlottesville, was reunited with some cousins from Korea, and am trekking my way through a GRE study book. I cannot wait until my GRE is over (hopefully forever!) in 8 days time.
I'm sure there's much to tell, but I can't seem to be thinking of anything right now (I've been awake for 23 hours now!) other than things that come in lists. So here are a few goals I have for the next few months in semi-chronological order.
1. Get a high enough score on the GRE to please those silly grad schools in one go.
2. Start filling out some applications: UMD, UVA, UIUC, Boston U., Northwestern, Vanderbilt, UNC-Chapel Hill.
3. FINALLY finish The Horse Boy so I can get started on Reading Lolita in Tehran and Unaccustomed Earth before I buy The Hundred Year Diet.
4. Win myself a dress.
5. Figure out some way to get myself out of that sticky, carb-filled restaurant for the spring.
I think by the end of the year, I will be fed up with bagel packs, rude people who wave money in your face, and waking up at 4 in the morning. Anything, ANYTHING to get me out for the spring will make me utterly happy. Perhaps I can live off of my research & therapy money by then? (Ha!)
Hopefully I can take up a class or two (I'm thinking along the lines of Spanish and childhood development) at the community college and be happy and jolly and nerdy once again. How TWAMP is that?