Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Post-Grad Life

Life after graduation is not entirely too different from life before graduation. I'm still in Williamsburg, I'm still doing some studying, I'm still doing some therapy, and I'm still working at that grand old bakery-cafe that kills my 21-year-old sleeping schedule. I mean, really? Must old people get coffee at 5:55 in the morning? 

Some grand changes are that I'm all moved in to my (almost) fully furnished apartment. I've had a few fights with a leaky bathroom, a can of Raid, and a hypersensitive thermostat, but so far so good. 

I've gone to the Mariner's Museum to hang out while the LLC builds a boat, went on a pilgrimage to Quebec, visited the Herndon Festival, discovered Berry Body, joined a gym, went to a fancy dinner at Fossett's, attended a wedding in Charlottesville, was reunited with some cousins from Korea, and am trekking my way through a GRE study book. I cannot wait until my GRE is over (hopefully forever!) in 8 days time. 

I'm sure there's much to tell, but I can't seem to be thinking of anything right now (I've been awake for 23 hours now!) other than things that come in lists. So here are a few goals I have for the next few months in semi-chronological order. 

1. Get a high enough score on the GRE to please those silly grad schools in one go. 
2. Start filling out some applications: UMD, UVA, UIUC, Boston U., Northwestern, Vanderbilt, UNC-Chapel Hill. 
3. FINALLY finish The Horse Boy so I can get started on Reading Lolita in Tehran and Unaccustomed Earth before I buy The Hundred Year Diet
4. Win myself a dress. 
5. Figure out some way to get myself out of that sticky, carb-filled restaurant for the spring. 

I think by the end of the year, I will be fed up with bagel packs, rude people who wave money in your face, and waking up at 4 in the morning. Anything, ANYTHING to get me out for the spring will make me utterly happy. Perhaps I can live off of my research & therapy money by then? (Ha!) 

Hopefully I can take up a class or two (I'm thinking along the lines of Spanish and childhood development) at the community college and be happy and jolly and nerdy once again. How TWAMP is that? 

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