Thursday, February 25, 2010

an ode to food

let's be honest. aside from school work, classes, volunteering & the likes, i spend a vast majority of my free time doing things that involve food. making food, eating food, reading about food, looking up food to make, eat, or read about... so really, it seems fitting that the only pictures i have taken in the past two weeks (a grand whopping five photos), are of food.

i wanted to update with something more substantial, but i guess this works eh?

here are two meals that i made that i was particularly proud of. unfortunately, i forgot to take a picture of the pastel de tres leches, but let me tell you. it was tasty.

the first is a picture of salmon! the salmon was tasty & cooked JUST enough to still be slightly uncooked in the center. yummmyyyyy. salt, pepper, spicy mustard, dipped in egg & covered in bread crumbs and seared in an oiled pan . yay ! the asparagus & baby spinach & toasted almond slices was also delicious. i don't quite remember what i did with it, but i think it was along the lines of butter, garlic, and pepper... hmm.

and this picture is of my first attempt to poach eggs! i'm sure it could have been better, but also could have been worse, so i was pleasantly surprised at my success. poached eggs on top of spaghetti with asparagus & spinach, garlic, butter, and heavy cream. not the healthiest ever... but delicious nonetheless!

today, my mommy also called to tell me that apparently the trader joe's recipes are delicious. now i must go find them the next time i go grocery shopping !

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