Thursday, March 18, 2010

golfing, alice, & spring break

lots has happened since my last entry!

in terms of exciting events, campus golf & food adventures & haiti dinner, the alice in wonderland premiere, and spring break! in terms of real life...

i've managed to adapt a semi-schedule for my near future: do research with kathy while working at panera as i study for my GREs, write some grad school essays, keep up with LLC, maybe take a class or two with WM School of Ed, and try to brush up on some spanish. easier said than done? i hope not.

i've decided on three SLP schools i definitely want to apply to: Northwestern, UIUC, and UVA. i'm off to visit UVA this friday so we'll see how that goes! other schools i'm looking into are BU, JMU, UNC, and Purdue for the moment. apparently, UNC is good with autism-related speech disorders, but they're really cutting back on people they're taking without a communication science disorders background. only 2 non-CSD majors were taken this year. UWash is out of the question because even if you get accepted into their post-bacc SLP program, you're not guaranteed a spot in their master's. lame. some others that i have to look into more are UMD, UF, and GWU. sad, sad. looks like i'll be spending a hefty amount of money getting transcripts flown from singapore.

anyhow, here are some photos from the above-mentioned exciting events. enjoy!

campus golf:  you have (themed) teams of 4-5 people, tennis balls & golf clubs and go around campus trying to get your ball past a bucket. our tee-time was around 11am.

one particularly dedicated team came as the jamaican bobsled team. you can see a tetris piece behind them.

after campus golf i dragged kat & jeewon to new york deli for subs and handel's for ice cream. sooo delicious. 

the day before spring break, alice in wonderland came out! so we went to the premiere at midnight and dressed up as alice (me!), the mad hatter (kat!), and the rabbit (jeewon!)

an adorable picture with LLC a couple hours before i headed home

and now some pics from spring break!

some goose butt at the lake 

some playtime at terra centre's playground

a trip into georgetown/the mall to meet up with kat

having to park farther away from the library entrance because i do not own a hybrid

a day trip into philly to meet the newest member of the fam, toby chung

being super mature at the party store

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