Tuesday, August 25, 2009

finally, the asia that i've been expecting...

tuesday 25 august

first off, having class at 8am at william & mary is no fun either, but it's so much worse when you're in a school 5 times the size and in a foreign country. the class itself wasn't bad (except for the fact that the teacher assumes i'm from singapore and assumes that i'm knowledgeable of all things singapore...), but aiyaaa i had to wake up at 615am to even have a chance to eat breakfast and get to class on time. thankfully i remembered that my social work tutorial doesn't start til next week, so from 10am onwards i was home free! (except i've just remembered that i have two chapters of psycholinguistics reading that i have yet to do for tomorrow...oops!)

anyways, all of my other friends rejected me because they had class today, so it was just michal & i that ended up going to bugis. oh, bugis. bugis is the asia that we all know and love. whenever i think asia, i think open air markets with really cheap clothes, food, and fake designer bags, so far, nothing that i've really seen in singapore, but bugis did not disappoint!

on our way to bugis during the above ground portion of the green line mrt

lunch of kimbap and ddukbugi at bugis junction (different from bugis street) from a korean stall! the nice korean lady made her daughter give me the jar of coveted pepper paste for cheaper than the usual price! hehe

a picture of the entrance to bugis

the juice stand at the entrance to bugis street selling lots of colorful drinks

although there was tons of cheap stuff in bugis and lots of clothes, i didn't buy anything except for lunch because well, there was just so much stuff that it was overwhelming. just look at the place!

in addition, pretty much none of the stalls have space to try on clothes and refunds are non-existent. how are you supposed to shop for these things if you don't know what fits? AND, i have to say, some of the clothes were a little... uh... far out for me.

example 1: like these ugly, ugly, lacy, polka-dotted shoes...

after looking around bugis and getting lost within its walls multiple times, we ventured out to the surrounding area and aimed for sim lim square--- the most ridiculous electronics shopping complex ever.

some pictures of the walk to sim lim square

we walked through some mall on our way to sim lim square that seemed to only attract locals. we were pretty much the only tourists in there & everyone jumped at the chance to try and get a foreigner into their store. one lady actually ran out the door of her massage place to try and convince us to get a massage...

the mall wasn't all that exciting and mainly sold ginormous buddhist statues. literally. see below.

and then we finally made it to sim lim square! sim lim square is like a tj student paradise. its 6 stories of pure electronics ranging from SLR cameras to laptops to ipods to usb ports shaped like a mouse.

sim lim square in all its glory

although not too exciting, i was glad to see that they have a lenovo just in case anything happens to my loving laptop during my stay here in singapore...

a little while later, we left sim lim square and headed out to the street and followed signs to a buddhist and hindu temple. i wanted to go in, but also didn't want to get yelled at, so we mostly teetered around the outside of the buildings.

the buddhist temple

the hindu temple

the square where the temples are located

tomorrow, cat's singaporean friend is taking us out to chinatown for dinner (what is it with eating in chinatown?)... i most likely won't be taking pictures of anything new & exciting... but we'll see. now i'm off to read for my classes tomorrow, yikes!

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